Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day and Dooms Day

Filed my taxes today....last day to do so.  It's a rarity for me to file my taxes on the last day, but it is done; enough said.

It's been 4 months since my last post.  My grandma Nanny (mom's side) passed away in February and I was able to make it back for the funeral.  It wasn't a surprise when my mother called about her passing, but it was sad nonetheless. I know she is in her heaven and with God.  

My brother Randy graduated last week and is officially Dr. Randall Kipp. I'm so proud of him and happy!  He's brilliant and hopefully now that his schooling is done, he and his wife Kristin can start planning on having a baby!

My boyfriend and I still live in California and love it!  Lately he has been obsessed with a tv show called Doomsday Preppers.  We have been building our "bug out bags" and emergency 72 hour kits the last couple months; we've even staked out a designated "bug out location". This summer we will test our survival skills. Well actually, I will test out my survival skills as he is pretty capable and knowledgable on how to survive in the outdoors.  We have also been talking about adopting a rescued Beagle...we have a couple in mind and the adoption applications have been sent. Next step, wait to hear if we will be fingers are crossed!  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

December 2011 and bring on 2012!

December 2011 was a lot of fun, but it flew by. Unfortunately, I didn't go to Utah for Christmas (this is now my 3rd year in California), but the weather was perfect, and I was able to spend it with my boyfriend!

Since neither of us are maniacs when it comes to Christmas, we decided to celebrate Festivus and start making our own Festivus traditions! Instead of Christmas stockings, I bought Festivus boxes-they were decorated and festive!  We decided to open our Festivus gifts on December 24th; which gave us the 25th to enjoy them from the minute we woke up! Instead of setting out cookies for Santa, we made cookies for ourselves to eat, and they were de-lish! We contemplated on getting a Festivus pole, but never got around to it....that will be on next year's Festivus to-do-list!

New Year's Eve was very laid back this year. We went to dinner and then hung out at our place, and a good friend of ours came over to ring in the new year!

The number 12 is my favorite number! So this year, I know, is going to be a great year!